About our organization
Who we are

Meet our founders
Our Organization
We are PRO2 Foundation
PRO2 is a small NGO. Our 3 board members have a long experience in Nepal as well as working for foundations. There are no reward, remunerations or salary for the volunteers and board members. All new volunteers and board members will have the same remuneration policy. All profits go to the (ex)migrant workers and their relatives
If you want to join, help or support us in our work and mission please contact us.
Gerard Arink
Ankie van Wersch-Lenders
Bianca Streng
Hear from our founders and volunteers
Why PRO2 Foundation?

Gerard Arink
"I have been active in Nepal in the field of education since 2008. In the run-up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup, I saw with my own eyes the exploitation of Nepalese migrant workers in the Middle East. I decided to do something about this and started the Pro2Foundation. Due to all the positive attention to our activities, especially from the media and politicians, we decided after the World Cup to continue with our foundation and also to add sustainability in (football) sports as a social goal to our mission. Both towards the upcoming World Cup and European Football Championships, but also structurally in Dutch football. I am proud of our working method. We find something wrong, but we address it by offering a better alternative in a positive way. And thus make the world a little more beautiful."

Bianca Streng
"As the daughter of a seamstress, fashion and clothing were a common thread through my life. I have now been working in the textile industry for 20 years, where I have discovered the beautiful sides but unfortunately also the less beautiful sides. In 2016 I changed course and made an appointment with myself. Everything I do at work contributes to a cleaner and fairer textile chain. There are major challenges at the international level on the human level. Consider poor working conditions and wages that are far too low, meaning workers cannot provide for themselves and their families with the daily necessities of life. Within pro2 Foundation I have the opportunity to make a direct positive impact on people's lives by developing sustainable textiles."